Implementation of DPK Railways in Koleje Mazowieckie (Mazovia Railways)

Just before the end of the year DPK System sign an agreement for implementation in Koleje Mazowieckie modern system to rail transport management -DPK Railways.

It will replace previously exploited in KM DPK Plus system, implemented nearly 10 years ago.

New system will be started successively in 12 months in all areas of operation – for traction teams, conductor teams and technical support.

Simultaneously it will be implemented integrated control system and working time calculation based on modern biometric devices recording working time.

The latest version of the DPK Raylways system has a modern structure – database and all applications are installed centrally on a server in one location.

Starting system in wide network of many section of Koleje Wielkopolskie will be associated only with running proper network connections to servers and user training.

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