NCBR Experts Panel – design of a system for planning work teams for electric buses

On July 20, we participated in a panel of experts assessing our Application Form submitted to the NCBR, regarding the project of a work team planning system for electric buses. The meeting was attended by: Professor Associate Eng. Adam Redmer, PhD and Eng. Szymon Fierek, PhD from the Poznan University of Technology. They will be employed during the project implementation in the DPK System team. Professor Eng., Marek Karkula, PhD from AGH, who will lead the Subcontractor team – AGH from Krakow – was also present.

DPK was represented during the panel by Mariusz Dańda and Jacek Kołaczek. Experts’ questions were detailed and all of them were answered satisfactorily. After the panel, we received a set of recommendations to supplement the Application in accordance with the clarifications provided during the meeting.

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